Tuesday, February 5, 2008

granite countertops installation

granite counter tops installation

installing granite counter tops

well firstly clear one thing in mind that granite is a expensive stone and price  depends on the area of the country that you live in. It is a two-man job and  granite counter tops is not a project for the do-it-yourself homeowner, seeking to save money on installation costs. You can look for a professional expert also. A typical 70 IQ aft kitchen counter can easily be installed in a day.

Apply a slip sheet between the marble or granite tile and the structure to help improve torsional relief, since the tile and the primary structure may expand and contract at different rates. This slip sheet will allow the tiles to move a little on the floor, and can just be laid on top of the sub floor.
Space granite or marble tiles 1/32 inches to 1/16 inches apart using a spacer such as a nail. Fill the spaces with a matching epoxy grout.Granite counter tops should be sealed after they are installed with a "high gloss stone penetrant." This not only brings out the color of the stones, but helps to improve them as well.Concrete should be prepared properly it should not be cracked or chipped before installing granite and marble tile.
5)If you think  that it is too smooth, use a bushing hammer to make the surface a little rougher to help the mortar stick more effectively.


Well if it is confusing here is something for your eyes.



Granite is a stone which is a common and widely occurring type of intrusive, felsic, igneous rock.It is used extensively in decorating homes.These  granite can be pink to dark gray or even black, depending on their chemistry and mineralogy.The origin of granite is  from magma and is an indigenous rock, nowadays they are used as a dimension stone and as flooring tiles in public and commercial buildings and monuments.

Choices available in granite
well you can search out more than 1600 type of granite but please decide it wisely as which granite will be best suited to your home environment and nearby components. Polished granite is also a popular choice for kitchen counter tops due to its high durability and aesthetic qualities.